Monthly report, April 2022
11.05.2022 News
‘Climate change’ has never been a topic of discussion among our villagers even after experiencing the worst cyclone, flood or heat wave in their lifetime. The unprecedented heat that prevailed this month has naturally forced the villagers to discuss this global issue in their daily conversation in different phrases or sentences, such as, the environment has been damaged or world is changing because of cutting down of trees and extracting the underground water for cultivation and so on. Several state governments including West Bengal were forced to declare early summer vacation for educational institutions because of the terrible heat that escalated to 44 degree Celsius.
This is also the first time that the summer rice crop which is cultivated only with underground water has been cultivated in less quantity than previous years. Though there are several reasons for cultivating less rice in our area, scarcity of water is definitely one of the main reasons.
The heat wave however did not stop the normal activities of our organization, except the RSV primary school that had to give early summer holiday because of government order.
The annual children’s fair ‘Shishu Mela’ on 9th April was the main activity of the month in Bishnubati besides the regular programmes of coaching classes, cleaning, gardening, sports and music classes. Like every year the students put up several food stalls and village games at the museum campus where the children bought food and participated in the games happily. Mothers’ groups also put up the traditional food stalls but this year the numbers of stalls have been less because of the work in the fields. The senior students staged a Santali play ‘Lalu’. After a prolonged gap Martin da had attended the programme along with Prof. Sushanta Dattagupta, the former Vice-chancellor of Visva-Bharati University.
RSV school
The classes in the school continued regularly until the third week of the month before it got early summer vacation because of the extreme heat wave and Government order. A farewell programme was held for Martin da who was leaving for Germany after staying four months with us. The students and teachers of RSV performed song and dance.
Hostel Coaching and student´s bio farm
The coaching classes of the hostel students continued regularly. Due to excess heat however some vegetables of the garden dried up. Pintu Ghosh and Monotosh Das had organized a workshop on ‘Bio-farm for education and economic development’ for the village health workers of St. Mary’s Mother and Child Care hospital, Makrampur.
Kick for Help
Football coaching courses continued regularly for both boys and girls.
Vocational training and youth empowerment
The second phase of Career Guidance workshop was conducted for the youth of Ghosaldanga and Bishnubati at Prantik. Paresh Soren, one of the youth members and Pankaj Mukherjee had been to thee Audio visual training centre at Kolkata for the audio, video editing course for Paresh.
Mother and Child Care
Surojmuni Kisku (F-65) who had been admitted to Hope Hospital, Kolkata has been discharged from the hospital and has miraculously recovered from her full body paralysis. She is at home now and walking around in the house without any support.