
Situation report on the Corona crisis in the villages

15.04.2020 News

Dear Marianne di and friends. Wish you a Happy Easter. I hope you are all well in this time of anxiety that is going on around the world. The people of Ghosaldanga, Bishnubati and neighboring villages of our area are not yet...[more]

Report on a seminar on the use of android mobile phones and about library management

10.11.2019 News

The uses and misuses of mobile phones Recently, the RSV Campus witnessed a two-day-seminar and -demonstration on the use and abuse of the android mobile phone for the young generation. In addition, the organizers spoke on how to...[more]

An Inquiry into the Living World of the Adivasis in West Bengal

28.01.2019 News

A Preliminary Findings of 'An Inquiry into the Living World of the Adivasis in West Bengal' an empirical study jointly carried out by the Pratichi Institute and Asiatic Society has been released in the Asiatic Society this month...[more]

Museum Day Celebration 2018 at Bishnubati

09.01.2019 News

The 5th Museum Day was celebrated on 9th December 2018 at Bishnubati. To create awareness and educate the people about the importance of their cultural heritage the Ghosaldanga Bishnubati Adibasi Trust (GBAT) and the...[more]

A Brief Report on Banam Making Workshop at Bishnubati

05.01.2019 News

After having several rounds of discussions on the format and concept of the Banam making workshop (see CONCEPT NOTE), the two day workshop on 18-19 August 2018 went on successfully in the museum campus at Bishnubati. It...[more]

News from the villages - July 2017

20.07.2017 News

Workshop on 'Study of Adivasis in West Bengal' _ From 5 to 6 July 2017, the Pratichi Institute, in collaboration with the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, organized a two –day workshop on 'Study of Adivasis in West Bengal' at the...[more]

News from the villages - June 2017

19.07.2017 News

Women’s-football-tournament _ The 10th of June was the day of a women’s-football-tournament in Noadangal (close to Ghosaldanga and Bishnubati), in which a team of RSV could participate. Their trainer was Rishikesh Thapa, an...[more]

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