
Monthly Report of July 2021

09.08.2021 News

Because of Covid pandemic the general lockdown had continued in the month of July. The infection rate seemed to have gone down in our area as no new cases are heard.  This is the monsoon season and all villagers were busy...[more]

Monthly Report of June 2021

14.07.2021 News

The general lockdown had continued the whole of June because of Covid pandemic. Therefore, except the agriculture and related farming activities such as duck rearing, fishery, vermicompost, bee keeping and vegetable...[more]

Monthly Report of May 2021

11.06.2021 News

Due to Second wave of Corona pandemic the general lock down in the country had continued the whole of May. The respective state governments however have made some relaxation in certain important and emergency services. In...[more]

Monthly Report of April 2021

11.05.2021 News

The month of April 2021 will be remembered as the month of great tragedy in the Indian Corona pandemic. The second wave of Corona has taken away thousands of lives in cities, towns and villages. Our villages Ghosaldanga and...[more]

Monthly Report of March 2021

11.04.2021 News

Boro Baski has sent us a report for March 2021 about the situation and the ongoing activities in the villages. Here are the links to Boro's "Monthly Report March 2021" and to the report in German...[more]

Video-Song 'Gai Gupi Kada Gupi' (Herding Cows and Buffalos)

17.03.2021 News

Boro Baski has sent us another video song. It was already posted on YouTube a few years ago under the title 'Bagi kedalang Gai Gupi Kada Gupi' and received more than 1.5 million views. The positive response to this song inspired...[more]

Monthly Report of February 2021

11.03.2021 News

The month of February was of cultivating the summer rice crop called ‘Khora dhan’ by locals. Ever since this second phase of rice cultivation began in West Bengal about forty years ago, people of our area are cultivating less...[more]

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