
NEWS November from the villages

21.12.2014 News

(1) Since September four students from Bishnubati and Ghosaldanga have been living in a two-room apartment in Santiniketan. They are living close to their colleges and their private tutorial schools. Frequently on the go until...[more]

News from the villages (August - September)

02.10.2014 News

On 27th August, Hannah, Judith and Jakob’s were given farewell at RSV. All the students from RSV, teachers and senior students from Ghosaldanga and Bishnubati took part. On 28th they left for Bandel stayed there for the night...[more]

Santal worries

26.05.2013 News

This essay by Boro Baski has been posted on the website of the monthly print magazine D+C Development and Cooperation. The author is a teacher and social worker with the community-based organisation Ghosaldanga Adibasi Seva...[more]

News from the villages (February - March 2013)

22.04.2013 News

Professor Ronald Kurt of the Sociology Department of the University of Bochum and eleven male and female students visited Santiniketan from the middle to the end of March with a view to studying the work of village development in...[more]

Volunteers report on their work in the villages

28.03.2013 News

Three Volunteers had lived in the villages and were committed in the village-work. In their reports they tell us about their experiences. Jakob Dörr fom Frankfurt tells us about living "Six months in...[more]

Adibasi Baha Parab 2013

22.03.2013 News

The villagers of Ghosaldangha and Bishnubati are celebrating its traditional and religious festival 'Baha Parab' (flower festival) on 24th of March 2013 in Ghosaldangha. For more Information see the invitation letter of...[more]

Special lecture by Dr. Boro Baski

20.02.2013 News

The Visva-Bharati University of Santiniketan present a special lecture by Dr. Boro Baski, the principal of our Santal-School (RSV - Rolf Schoembs Vishyashram). Boro will talk on the topic:  "The experience of...[more]

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