
Back in the villages, Volunteers organized a First-Aid-Course for RSV-Teachers

20.06.2017 News

Now we are already two months back in Germany but the memories that we brought from the villages are still with us. This time we had two and a half weeks in Ghosaldanga, which we could use for seeing friends and working a...[more]

A One Day Workshop at Rolf Schoembs Vidyashram (R.S.V.)

29.04.2017 News

On April 23rd 2017, we organized a workshop at Rolf Schoembs Vidyashram (R.S.V.). Theme: 'Writing Poems, Stories, Rhymes, Riddles and Songs'. The idea of the workshop was to strengthen the young students’ confidence and power of...[more]

Presentation of Santal-festivals at Indian Museum in Kolkata and in Bangladesh

14.04.2017 News

Baha Festival at Indian Museum_  Ghosaldanga Bishnbati cultural team was invited to present a cultural programme on Santal BAHA (Santal flower festival) at Indian Museum, Kolkata on 31st March 2017....[more]

News from the villages (February - March 2017)

14.04.2017 News

Seminar on Tribal/Indigenous Health care system_ From 23th to 24th February 2017, Asiatic Society, Kolkata had organized a two day international seminar on 'Tribal/ Indigenous Health care system: Tribute to P.O. Bodding' at...[more]

Volunteer Lilli Knodt's report on her experiences in the villages

14.04.2017 News

Lilli Knodt lived in the Santal villages for two months (from december 2016 to january 2017) and was committed in the village work (from december 2016 to january 2017). In her report she tells us about her stay and her...[more]

Report on Santal villages in "OPEN", a weekly Indian magazine

15.02.2017 News

OPEN, a weekly Indian magazine of Open Media Network, published an article on our RSV school and Santal language, written by Ms. Nandani Nair. The article came out on 13 January 2017 and had the Headline: Santali: Talking Time...[more]

Kitchen Gardens in the villages

21.12.2014 News

The horticulturalists Rolf and Anne Bucher from Stuttgart came to our area for the fifth time this year to lay out kitchen gardens near family dwellings in Ghosaldanga, Bishnubati and the surrounding areas; they also supervised...[more]

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