
Monthly Report June 2024

12.07.2024 News

June is a summer month in India. Earlier, summer season was a lean period for the farmers as there was no water in the field for cultivation. However, ever since rice cultivation started with extraction of groundwater in...[more]

Monthly Report May 2024

23.06.2024 News

The heat wave had continued this month as well. The highest temperature of the month was recorded in Delhi 52.9 degree Celsius. RSV School had given two weeks summer holidays to the students. Other activities of the organization,...[more]

Monthly Report March 2024

12.04.2024 News

Besides the regular activities of the organization of education, health care, the museum of Santal culture, bio-farming, and kick-for-help football coaching, several programs were organized this month. They are as follows: 1) An...[more]

Monthly Report February 2024

28.03.2024 News

The month of February is a very hectic time for our organization. At the end of the financial calendar, the pressure remains to wrap up the program that has a deadline to complete the year. After annual school examinations and...[more]

Monthly Report January 2024

16.02.2024 News

January is the month of festivals for Santals. The biggest festival of Santal 'Sorhai' falls in the second week of the month. Besides that, half a dozen local faires are also held within a radius of a few kilometers of our...[more]

Monthly Report December 2023

11.01.2024 News

In December, apart from the regular activities of the organization, two major programs were organized. (1) The annual celebration of the Museum Day program at Bishnubati on December 9 and (2) The visit of 45 Santal and Paharia...[more]

Monthly Report November 2023

17.12.2023 News

The regular programs of the organization, such as RSV school, education coaching centers at Ghosaldanga and Bishnubati, evening schools, health care, bio-farms, the Museum of Santal Culture, and Kick for Help, have regularly...[more]

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